To Bandon and then Cork

The next leg of Charlotte and Arthur's honeymoon odyssey. Charlotte and Arthur decided that the time was now right to return home to Haworth as Charlotte had heard that her dear Papa was unwell. She wrote to her good friend Ellen Nussey on 28th July 1854 from Dublin saying: "I have been longing, longing intensely sometimes, to be at home. Indeed, I could enjoy and rest no more, and so home we're going." Their next port of call was Bandon. This was where they would be able to catch a steam train to Dublin as can be seen from the advertisement below. Click on the photo to better view. So, Charlotte and Arthur left Glengarriff and travelled by horse and carriage to Bandon where they would collect the train. Their route took them along the beautiful road that hugs Bantry Bay. Tr...